I’m Kathleen and I have been in your shoes. Life doesn’t have to be this hard. Let me be your Partner in Property Management. Let me be your sounding board, the voice that says, “You can do this.” Let me share the tried and true tools to get you to the life you want and deserve. To once again love the business you have put your blood, sweat, tears and endless hours into. My Mission is: To share, serve and support my Property Management industry experts and the residential landlord to help them create the business and lives that THEY want. I coach groups and individuals in business and personal development through tele-classes, webinars, workshops, retreats and one to one coaching. I specialized in:

  • Work/Life Balance
  • Stress Reduction
  • Time Management
  • Leadership & Team Building
  • Succession/Legacy Planning
  • Growing your business sanely
  • How to Maximize the sale of your business
  • Retirement Planning
  • Finding Joy & Fulfillment in Property Management
  • The Art of saying NO.
I am also available for speaking engagements on any of the above topics.

The PM Coach eBook Cover with Ribbon(FINAL) 

Make Your Property Management Business Work for YOU

Whether you are new to property management, or you’re an experienced business owner who wants to hit the “refresh” button, this eBook is for you. The goal of this book is to help you run your property management business better so you can reach the goals you want rather than simply working in your business. You’ll appreciate the difference it can make.

Top 100 Business Coach Blogs - The Property Management CoachThe Property Management Coach Blog made it to the Top 100 Business Coach Blogs in 2017!

My video blogs answer common questions asked by property managers when they come to me for business coaching or for advice. Feel free to browse around and provide your feedback by sending me an email or giving me a call. You can view all my property management coaching blogs here.



Here are some you might enjoy:
Can You Grow Your Property Management Business in 30 DaysWhat to Consider When Hiring Employees for Property Management Business

Professionals & Business Owners

compassI have several programs for property management professionals and business owners.

  • Group Coaching Programs: Do you want to motivate your employees, improve their problem solving skills, or simply improve team work? I offer half day and full day workshops and retreats designed to do all these things.
  • NARPM Designation Coaching: This program is designed especially for those of you who want to be the best you can be in your profession and have decided to get a designation through NARPM®. This program is designed to get you your designation in 12 months or less.
  • Individual Coaching Programs: Do you need help managing stress or do you feel like you need some coaching to improve how you manage your business? I have different individual coaching programs to assess your situation and come up with a plan of action towards improvement.

Learn More About Coaching for Property Managers  

Residential Landlords

I have coaching programs tailored specifically to what you need as a residential landlord.

  • Leasing Made Easy: You will learn how to get your property rented within 30 days, get maximum rent, find the perfect tenant, and avoid unnecessary headaches like eviction and lawsuits from potential fair housing violations.
  • Tenancy Made Easy: You will learn how to manage your rental properly, how to confidently handle unplanned scenarios, how to handle documentation, and avoid problems that come with not knowing what to expect.
  • Move-Out and Deposit Return Made Easy: You will learn how to handle the move out process legally, when and how to deduct charges against the security deposits, how to return the deposit within the legal deadline, and avoid getting in trouble.

Learn More About Coaching for Landlords

Top 100 Business Coach Blogs 2017 - The Property Management Coach
When I say Kathleen changed my life, I mean my life, and not just my business practices. I’m a former teacher and accidental businesswoman who did not grow my portfolio with intention. My anxiety level was so high from my work frustrations it trickled over into all other areas of my life. It was important for me to find a coach who I could relate to and who shared the same property management philosophy as I did. Kathleen provided support, suggestions on ways to conduct business I’d never thought of, as well as motivation to achieve my goals now rather than later. I am now showing up as my authentic self, growing my business intentionally, and after some introspection with Kathleen, I obtained my Broker License within months after putting off the test for over a year. I needed someone in my corner to help me gain the confidence to do the things I knew I should be doing but was too scared to do. I am so much happier and less stressed in general after working with Kathleen for the past year. During our last session I told Kathleen she saved my life. She let me know she provided the tools, but I did all the work. Well if that’s the case, the tool she provided was a file to break out of a prison of my own making. I can’t thank you enough Kathleen for what you’ve helped me to accomplish!
Candace EllisonNewWest Property Management
Kathleen is an intuitive, effective, and professional coach. She brings a unique blend of business knowledge and acumen along with an ability to truly relate to her clients on a personal level – a combination that makes her a most effective coach for self-employed & business owners.
Stacey Hagen
Kathleen has a heart for helping others and it shows in her coaching. She completely focuses on the growth of her client. Her grasp of best business practices makes her a trustworthy coach who created a safe and respectful environment that helped to support and challenge me in my work as an entrepreneur.
Linda Feldbrugge
Coaching with Kathleen has helped me tremendously in building the infrastructure of my business. Prior to our coaching sessions, I was not sure of where to start. Kathleen helped me put the pieces together and provided a wealth of information and resources that I have implemented in my business. Often times, she went above and beyond to answer questions I had outside of our normal coaching sessions. She also spent extra time explaining concepts of the business that were challenging to me. I started with just a vision of the company I wanted to build and thanks to her it has come to life.
Candace Ellison
Kathleen is an incredible coach, a wonderful blend of structure & accountability mixed with deep patience and love. In our work together, she held me accountable for working towards the things that I really wanted, encouraged and championed me when I was struggling to do that for myself, and ultimately empowered me to find my own unique way of living in the world. I am more fulfilled and more confident as a result of our work together.
Alice Chen


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