A vacation rental property is ideal if you want an additional income stream. Whether you’re just a beginner or already an experienced real estate investor, this guide will help you build wealth. Many things go into vacation rental investing than just buying the property and earning money from the people staying there. If you’re serious about this, vacation rentals can be a lucrative investment.

The Property Management Coach shares tips to create a profitable rental property for an enjoyable experience.

Purchase the Property

The first step in building wealth with vacation rentals is purchasing the property. The goal is to be profitable, so this is a crucial step. Finding the right property will make or break the profitability target you have in mind. While reviewing the property, keep in mind the size of the property. Determine the value of the property using an online home value calculator.

Consider the number of guests you can accommodate. However, understand that a large property correlates to a high asking rate. Also, consider the location of the property. This is the most important factor. Places near the city center and amenities like airports are ideal. Think about things like demand, seasonality, and whether you yourself would consider staying in that location. 

Renovate the Interior

Once you find the right property, it’s important to make key renovations to make it beautiful. Furnish the property to make the rental comfortable and inviting for guests. For rental property renovation, work on the living area to ensure it’s inviting. Add a plush and comfy couch to provide guests with a place to relax.

In the kitchen, keep the area open and tidy. An organized kitchen is ideal. Provide all cooking appliances and utensils. People spend at least seven hours of their day in bed, so offer comfortable bedding, as well. Lastly, check the windows and add curtains or treatments.

Get Landlord Insurance

To protect your property, it’s important to get insurance. Landlord insurance offers coverage for property that you own and rent out. The policy covers different situations, including replacement costs in case of fire damage. Also, it covers legal fees in the event a tenant sues you for damages. Because your property is an asset and investment, it’s important to keep it insured.

Decide How Much You’ll Charge

There are many things you can consider to set the right rental price. To begin with the calculation, list your expenses. You’ll find many expenses when renting out your property. Account for everything you need to pay to maintain the rental property. This includes mortgage payments, property taxes, and utilities.

Check nearby competition to know what rates they charge for rentals in the area. If your vacation rentals offer more features, you can justify charging a higher price. Also, keep in mind high and low seasons, so your rental price should be flexible if your area experiences fluctuations in demand.

Market Your Property

Put your property out there to find tenants. Marketing for vacation rentals is easy if you can take some time to learn about your target market. Promoting the property will push it above competitors. This can make a difference in your being successful with your project. If the property is new and you have unique amenities, mention these things to stand out against the competition.

One of the top options, when you want to invest, is to put your money into real estate. Vacation rentals give you a source of income that you can rely on in the long term. Find a good location and, after buying the property, ensure it’s renovated to make it attractive. Also, do good marketing to beat the competition.

Want to succeed in rental property investment? Learn more about how The Property Management Coach can guide you!

Brad Krause – Created Self Caring after years spent putting his own self-care on the back burner. His goal now is to educate people on the importance of self-care by providing tips and tricks that are easy to implement. He can be reached at